
The Class

Adults that work in Fieldmice are:

Mrs. K Forshaw - Teacher

Mrs. S Rodbard  - Teaching Assistant

Mrs H Plumb       - Teaching Assistant

Mrs R Williams  - Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Fieldmice Class – where we love to learn through play!

Our favourite things are Stories, Phonics, Art and PE.

Here is our class charter, created by us, the pupils in Fieldmice Class: 

  • We eat healthily and take exercise
  • We take turns to speak by putting our hands up
  • We help look after our classroom
  • We remember to wash our hands
  • We wait for a turn and share our toys

In the mornings we enjoy reading our story of the week. In Reception we take part in guided writing activities and a fine motor challenge. We all spend time engaged in busy learning through play both indoors and outdoors.  

Our English inputs centre around our topic for the half term and include fiction and non fiction texts, rhymes and poems. Some of these include ’The Very Hungry Caterpillar’, ‘Rosies Walk’, and ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’. Both Nursery and Reception have a daily phonics session and rhyme time.   

In the afternoons, Reception have a maths input. We use concrete objects to investigate mathematical problems, including discovering the composition of numbers to 10 to help with our number bonds. We read with an adult individually and change our reading books twice a week. 

We learn together with partners or groups  but we also work independently too. Our half termly topics include Space, Dinosaurs, Animals, Transport, Traditional Tales, Toys, Festivals and The World Around Me. 

The afternoons in Reception are also spent continuing our busy learning. We have opportunities to develop our creative and expressive abilities and investigate the world around us. Our gross motor skills are enhanced through our PE sessions and using our climbing equipment. RE, PSHE and Science, History and Geography are taught through stories and adult inputs. 

We use our heads, hearts and hands to help us learn, investigate and grow together.