

Great Wilbraham Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA) raise money to provide extra facilities and resources for the children at the school.  A big thank-you needs to be given to all the donors, parents and helpers who help to make these events such a success. 

The funds raised are mainly used to help fund school trips but also pay for a pantomime to come to the school at Christmas time each year and to buy extras such as computers and CD players. Events organised by the PTFA include the annual school fete, parents' quiz, village treasure hunt and live music nights as well as school discos, craft sessions and cinema evenings for the children.

We always welcome new members and apart from raising money, we hope to get some fun out of organising the events too.  If you would like to join us or are willing to help out at an event please get in touch with a member of the committee or come along to one of our meetings.  Dates of meetings are on the PTFA noticeboard at the front entrance of the school.


PTFA contact details:
PTFA  - Summer fete  June 2024
Despite the torrential rain, the fete was a great success. It was so lovely to see so many people braving the weather and having fun. A BIG thank you to Caroline Bird, the PTFA and Charlie Brown for fantastic organising! Over £2200 was raised, which considering the weather, is an amazing achievement. Thank you to all those who braved the weather. We would also like to thank Miss Charlotte for giving up her time and teaching all our children the opening ceremony dance. It, alongside Charlie’s Haka, set the tone for the fete wonderfully.
For those of you who haven't signed up already, please do. It is easy money for the school and although each purchase made through the site only generates pence, it all adds up. It is easy to use and does not generate any spam mail. Just login and make your charity page Great Wilbraham PTFA.

As always, many thanks for the continuing support 

The PTFA Committee

The Great Wilbraham PTFA acknowledge the grants they have received from the Wadlow Wind Farm Community Fund, a charitable fund managed by Cambridgeshire Community Foundation. The grants have been used to provide new solar operated electric blinds to the Velux windows in Squirrel, Hedgehog and Badger classrooms as well as two interactive whiteboards for Fieldmice and Squirrel classrooms. Further grants have enabled us to improve our outdoor learning and physical development provision.